LEMOINE Announces Its Quarter 2 Awards of Excellence

q2 24 awards of Excellence

LEMOINE Announces Its Quarter 2 Awards of Excellence

LEMOINE is proud to announce its Quarterly Awards of Excellence
Recipients for Quarter 2

2024 Q2 Quarterly Award

Quarterly Awards of Excellence

LEMOINE prides itself on cultivating excellence starting with our Brand Promise: The Right People. We request nominations each quarter for our Awards of Excellence in our Building Construction and Disaster Services Divisions as well as for our Corporate and Craft Workers. The recipients are nominated by their peers for exemplifying our Core Values. Highlighted below are what their peers had to say. Congratulations team!

Quarterly award Jamie H

Jamie H.

For the Value of Work Ethic

What Jamie’s peers had to say:

Work Ethic – I don’t think we grasp or appreciate the grind Jamie puts in. She works incredibly hard and has the kind of attitude and spirit that make LEMOINE the “go-to” for so many of our customers.

Jamie works tirelessly on several projects and somehow manages to complete them along with answering many questions from other coworkers.

Taylor R.

Taylor R.

For the Value of Work Ethic

What Taylor’s peers had to say:

Contracts has a unique perspective because they are the intersection between several departments. In her role, Taylor Reedy has taken time to familiarize herself with needs of each – Precon, Project Management and Accounting. She recognizes bottlenecks, gaps and inefficiencies. Taylor is very busy in her day-to-day operations and she could easily look the other way, but she doesn’t… She proposes viable solutions for the sake of continuous improvement and innovation for all. Taylor has made us much better than when she found us and she continues to make us better. We appreciate her and I think she is one of LEMOINE’s greatest assets!

Work Ethic, Attention to Detail and Innovation- It would be difficult to pick just one core value to describe Taylor.  If you’ve had the chance to work with her you know she is completely dedicated to ensuring our processes are followed.  Perhaps more importantly, she’s also committed to leading efforts and initiatives to improve our current processes.

Bradley P.

Bradley P.

For the Value of Integrity

What Bradley’s peers had to say:

Brad is a great example of a coworker who profoundly exemplifies work ethic and integrity.  He consistently demonstrates an exceptional level of dedication and professionalism that elevates our entire team. Brad’s commitment to excellence is evident in his meticulous attention to detail and unwavering reliability. He consistently tackles challenges head-on, and willingly goes above and beyond to ensure our collective success pushing files to final completion. He does this by ensuring the homes we are delivering to the program are of LEMIONE quality and has successfully kept our team around 96% pass rate with the Restore Louisiana Program.

What truly sets Brad apart is his strong moral compass and transparent approach. He handles every task with honesty, respect, and fairness, fostering a work environment built on trust and mutual respect. His positive attitude and readiness to support others make him an invaluable asset to our team.

Jaime R.

Jaime R.

For the Value of Work Ethic

What Jaime’s peers had to say:

He is an excellent person who lives our core values and loves our company.

Our Brand Promise: The Right People.

LEMOINE Announces Its Quarter 1 Awards of Excellence


LEMOINE Announces Its Quarter 1 Awards of Excellence

LEMOINE is proud to announce its Quarterly Awards of Excellence
Recipients for Quarter 1

LEMOINE Q1 Quarterly Awards of Excellence

Quarterly Awards of Excellence

LEMOINE prides itself on cultivating excellence in construction starting with our Brand Promise: The Right People. We request nominations each quarter for our Awards of Excellence in our Building Construction and Disaster Services Divisions as well as for our Craft Workers. The recipients are nominated by their peers for exemplifying our Core Values. Highlighted below are what their peers had to say. Congratulations team!


Christian R.

For the Value of Attention to Detail

What Christian’s peers had to say:

I am nominating this person not because of just one Core Value, but all of them. He is a great asset to this company. His attention to detail spills over into every aspect of his work from Safety to innovation. He is a driven individual who is of the highest integrity and strives to do the right thing all the time. He has worked diligently to establish a great relationship with the Owner’s representatives on our current project.

Integrity, Work Ethic, and Attention to Detail. He exemplifies each of LEMOINE’s Core Values, but the three listed above are of particular strength.

He goes above and beyond in the effort he puts forth in performing his duties. I anticipate that he will be very successful in his career and everyone that has the opportunity to work with him will see the great potential he has. He is already a great leader and I believe he will become even better.

I appreciate his attitude, character, and commitment relative to our core values and our Foundations for Successful Executing. He is a leader that has his eyes on safety first. He is very deserving of this award.

David H

David H.

For the Value of Work Ethic

What David’s peers had to say:

He is always willing to take on any task he is asked to do and has made strides to improve his knowledge of all the work we do. He is willing to travel to multiple jobs to help out wherever he is needed.

He continues to push himself and others around him to work hard and to work smart and that is why I believe he has such a great Work Ethic!

I am nominating him for this Award of Excellence for many reasons. I could probably list every single Core Value, but I’ll start with work ethic. He is one of the most reliable employees I have ever had. He was hired on in the Memphis area which is prone to snow and ice storms, and there were a few times that I had to go to the plant because they had issues during these events. He was willing to brave the conditions and come to help me. The plant operators loved having him there because he was always willing to help them in any way that he could which just strengthened relationships. Although he is technically an equipment operator, he easily transitioned into more of a Foreman role. He is intelligent, articulate, mechanically-minded, and able to think outside the box when presented with a challenge all while keeping safety in mind.

He is an asset to our company and to me personally. I’m proud to have him on our team, and he is definitely deserving of this award.

Tyrone K.

Tyrone K.

For the Value of Relationships

What Tyrone’s peers had to say:

We’re thrilled to nominate this individual for the Quarterly Awards of Excellence due to his exceptional leadership on the Disaster Case Management Program (DCMP).

He has led his team to surpass all expectations, providing unparalleled service that has benefited communities statewide and laid the groundwork for extending DCMP. His dedication has aided countless families throughout the state.

His remarkable ability to connect and communicate has been key in deepening our ties with GOSHEP. His work on this project is a testament to LEMOINE’s high standards and core values, showcasing how individual dedication can reflect an organization’s commitment to excellence.

Our Brand Promise: The Right People.